Actionable policy to build a more liveable, affordable, and sustainable city for all.
Melbourne’s density drops precipitously from high-rises to single-family homes, with very little medium density between. The Missing Middle is the most desirable, walkable urban form, typified by inner Paris, and it should be legal to build in our most desirable, economically productive areas.
Melbourne’s Missing Middle’s signature recommendation—a new Missing Middle Zone—would enable six-storey, mixed-use development on all residential land within 1 kilometre of a train station and 500 metres of a tram stop—building an interconnected network of 1,992 high-amenity, walkable neighbourhoods.
YIMBY Melbourne is a grassroots team of individuals who care about real, workable solutions to the housing crisis.
From planners and lawyers to students and social workers—the YIMBY movement is a diverse group of people working toward a bigger, better Melbourne.
Our members come from across the political spectrum, and represent major and minor parties alike—all united under a central goal of building more homes where people want to live.
Melbourne is Australia's fastest growing city. It should also be the most affordable, liveable, and sustainable.
Our planning system should create the Melbourne of tomorrow, not the Melbourne of yesterday.
Government should better capture the value development creates, increase supply, and ensure equitable housing allocation and outcomes.
Melbourne is Australia's most heritage-protected city. We must allow the next generation to build the city in which they want to live.