YIMBY Melbourne is grassroots and member-driven. That means we rely on memberships and donations to keep the lights on.
We run a pretty lean ship. We use a handful of digital tools which require subscriptions, and we run events in hired spaces. We also print when we need to, and do some paid marketing for campaigns and events.
The most valuable part of your membership, though, is that groups with strong memberships get listened to. It's one of the first questions an advocacy group gets asked by Parliament: how many members do you have?
By joining YIMBY Melbourne, you can help make the answer to that question all the more impressive.
The most valuable part of your membership, though, is that groups with strong memberships get listened to. It's one of the first questions an advocacy group gets asked by Parliament: how many members do you have?
By joining YIMBY Melbourne, you can help make the answer to that question all the more impressive.
Probity Statement
We are a non-partisan political advocacy group.
We are not affiliated with a political party or candidate. However, many of our members are active members of all parties.
We do not accept donations from companies with significant financial interests in property development, building construction or real estate sectors.
We do not accept donations or membership from individuals who own or are in an executive management position in those industries.
We are not affiliated with a political party or candidate. However, many of our members are active members of all parties.
We do not accept donations from companies with significant financial interests in property development, building construction or real estate sectors.
We do not accept donations or membership from individuals who own or are in an executive management position in those industries.