At the end of the AMPLIFY deliberations last weekend, 94% of Australians indicated support for upzoning around train stations as a key measure to solve the housing crisis.
YIMBY Melbourne took a national version of our Missing Middle reform to 100 representative Australians and they indicated overwhelming support.
These results show that the reforms being undertaken by the Victorian and New South Wales state governments are a move in the right direction—and that Australians would actually support more ambition, rather than less.
The reform we took to the Australian people is as follows:
Nation-wide upzoning: building the Missing Middle Zone
State and territory governments across Australia, with the financial and political backing of the Commonwealth Government, should embark on a bold transit-oriented development program enabling six-storey, mixed-use development on all residential land:
"The Australian people are smart. They understand that the solution to the housing crisis is clear: unlock the dispersed benefits of upzoning, and build more homes where people want to live.
"This should signal loud and clear to governments around Australia that they should not kowtow to a small, vocal minority. Unlocking density and defeating NIMBYism is not only good policy, but it's also politically popular."
"We need more ambition, not less. We presented to the Australian people a policy even more ambitious than those of the Allan and Minns governments, and the Australian people said yes."