frequently asked question

Aren't Melbourne apartments low-quality? Why do you want more of them?

Many of Melbourne’s apartment builds are of high quality. However, it would be naive to deny that a portion of builds in the past have fallen below the minimum standards Melbourians expect to see. This is why the state government has pursued several major reforms to improve the outcomes of apartment standards. 

From 2013 to 2014 the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) conducted extensive research into the quality of apartment design in Victoria which informed a number of changes in the way apartments are regulated. 

This first started with the 2017 Better Apartments Design Standards which introduced many controls around room sizes, natural ventilation, natural light access, storage requirements and private open space.

Then in 2021 there was an update to the standards that aimed to improve requirements around green spaces, external materials, wind impacts, and integrations with the street and balconies. 

Furthermore, the National Construction Code—which is revised every three years—was updated in 2022 to include significant improvements to energy efficiency, condensation management, accessibility, and more.

Due to the long timelines associated with apartment construction, many of these new standards are only materialising in the most recently completed builds. But the good news is that we can be confident: modern builds are complying with the highest building and environmental standards ever enforced within the state.

This is not to say that work in the space of ensuring high build quality is complete. YIMBY Melbourne endorses the findings and recommendations of the 2022 Inquiry into apartment design standards, which the Department of Transport and Planning is in the process of implementing. Additionally, as of late 2023, the state government is actively conducting a full Victorian Building System review, aiming to fully reform the Building Act 1993 to meet modern expectations, with the final stage set to be released in 2024. 

Apartment quality is an important part of ensuring abundant housing and high standards of living for all Melburnians. However, it is important that as we continue to advocate for high build standards, we do not allow the builds of the past to block the builds of the future. Melbourne needs more housing, and the housing we're building now is the best we've ever built.

Your hottest YIMBY Queries, Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

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Are YIMBYs aligned with any political parties?
Aren't Melbourne apartments low-quality? Why do you want more of them?
Aren't tax concessions the biggest cause of the housing crisis? Why focus on zoning and planning?
Can't we just keep building greenfield/outer suburban developments?
Can't we just stop foreign investment to combat the housing crisis?
Can't we just stop immigration to solve the housing crisis?
Do you support stronger renter protections?
Doesn't new development just push poor people out of the city?
Don't high permit approval rates show that planning isn't the issue?
How filtering makes housing more affordable
Isn't zoning and planning reform just a giveaway to developers?
Local councillors are democratically elected representatives. What’s wrong with them having final decision-making powers over planning matters?
Loosening planning controls may result in more ugly modern buildings. Shouldn't new buildings be beautiful?
Shouldn't the local community get the final say on what happens in their "backyard"?
There are already so many apartments. Do we need more?
What about parking? Won't new developments create massive congestion in our cities?
What about those one million vacant homes?
What can we do about land banking?
What if I don’t want to live in an apartment?
What's the problem with building setbacks?
Why build denser cities? Isn't it better to decentralise?
Why can't the government just build public housing for all?
Why did rental prices go up during COVID?
Why do you hold councils accountable for housing supply delivery?
Why does YIMBY Melbourne have such a problem with heritage overlays?
Why doesn't YIMBY Melbourne endorse mandatory inclusionary zoning?