frequently asked question

Shouldn't the local community get the final say on what happens in their "backyard"?

Considering the preferences of the local community is important—but it cannot be the only voice our planning system hears. The voices of incumbent landowners are heard loud and clear—meanwhile, the voices of people who want to live somewhere but can't, are not heard at all. 

This entrenches a deep status-quo bias within our planning system, which fails to engage with the needs and preferences of potential future residents. This bias is most deeply felt during development-by-development consultation, creating a large number of problems:

  1. It creates an additional burden on our planning system, requiring planners to go to great lengths to defend fully compliant development applications to councillors and certain sub-sections of the community.
  2. It creates uncertainty and additional costs for developers, as even a fully compliant development can be knocked back for arbitrary reasons. 
  3. It gives the vibes-based decision-making of some elected non-professionals primacy over the professional opinions of planners.
  4. It leads to a reduction in the delivery of social housing, which usually sees a greater community pushback than market-rate equivalents.

A better option than development-by-development consultation and objections would be a more robust consultation on strategic planning at the council level. These plans should set clear parameters for where development is zoned to happen and to what intensity, telegraphing clear by-right development thresholds. This should be paired with ambitious housing targets, ensuring that saying no to more housing supply is no longer a viable option.

To combat the housing crisis, homes must be delivered across all of Melbourne's Local Government Areas. Better, more equitable community consultation and planning processes must be a part of that, standardised across all councils to ensure better outcomes for all.

Your hottest YIMBY Queries, Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

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Are YIMBYs aligned with any political parties?
Aren't Melbourne apartments low-quality? Why do you want more of them?
Aren't tax concessions the biggest cause of the housing crisis? Why focus on zoning and planning?
Can't we just keep building greenfield/outer suburban developments?
Can't we just stop foreign investment to combat the housing crisis?
Can't we just stop immigration to solve the housing crisis?
Do you support stronger renter protections?
Doesn't new development just push poor people out of the city?
Don't high permit approval rates show that planning isn't the issue?
How does more market rate housing benefit those most in need?
Isn't zoning and planning reform just a giveaway to developers?
Local councillors are democratically elected representatives. What’s wrong with them having final decision-making powers over planning matters?
Loosening planning controls may result in more ugly modern buildings. Shouldn't new buildings be beautiful?
Shouldn't the local community get the final say on what happens in their "backyard"?
There are already so many apartments. Do we need more?
What about parking? Won't new developments create massive congestion in our cities?
What about those one million vacant homes?
What can we do about land banking?
What if I don’t want to live in an apartment?
What's the problem with building setbacks?
Why build denser cities? Isn't it better to decentralise?
Why can't the government just build public housing for all?
Why did rental prices go up during COVID?
Why do you hold councils accountable for housing supply delivery?
Why does YIMBY Melbourne have such a problem with heritage overlays?
Why doesn't YIMBY Melbourne endorse mandatory inclusionary zoning?